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  • Hear Me Roar
    Acrylic and collage on board, 2024
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  • Sacred Smoky Mountains
    Collage and paint on paper, 2024. Inspired by many trips to the Smoky Mountains. I grew up visiting this region and it holds a very special and magical place in my heart. I love the dense, sun-dappled lushness of the forests.
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  • New World Old World
    Acrylic and Collage on board, 2024
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  • A Goddess Crosses My Path
    Watercolor and collage on paper, 2024
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  • Moonstruck
    Ink, watercolor, and collage on paper, 2024. I love everything about trees, after reading Richard Powers' book The Overstory, I consider them in a new and more expansive way. Culturally trees carry so much symbolism: family tree, Tree of Life, putting down roots, etc. There's something sacred about an old growth tree. This piece started with the vintage collage clip of the couple and the boat. I liked the symbolism of them embarking on a journey on the river. I expanded the tree and landscape, adding a bit of magic with the moon and the cat playing a fiddle in a whimsical nod to the childhood rhyme.
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  • Seeking the Source
    Acrylic and collage on canvas, 2024. The landscape in this painting is inspired by my memories and photos of a trip I took almost 30 years ago to Glacier National Park and a hike up to Grinnell Glacier. Even then, the glaciers were beginning to receded at an accelerated pace, and I often wonder how small they must be now. The beautiful blue of the glacier pools is astonishing. I began this with blue collage paper for color and texture and incorporated the Classical Sculpture of male and female. The sculpture of the woman holds a vase from which the water seems to pour, and the sculpture of the man is murky as if under the water, like some long lost civilization. I'm interested in ancient history so this alludes to the cycles of culture and civilization, but also I'm thinking about the patriarchal history of the last several thousand years and wondering what else there might be.
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  • Llano Uplift
    Pastel, Gouache, and Collage on paper, 2024. This is inspired by aerial photos when flying over the Llano Uplift region of Texas. This ancient geological feature has a rich history. I love the textures and colors of aerial imagery (as seen in my Overview portfolio), and this image was especially lovely with the clouds and the light beams, bringing to mind something sacred. I incorporated the vintage imagery of the woman and flowers, thinking of an iconic image of Mary. I think it's so interesting how many cultures replaced female goddesses with Mary when converting to Christianity and kept an aspect of feminine power. The Christianity I grew up with was very masculine. Mary was the mother- respected but not powerful, and Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. I'm interested in that feminine energy.
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  • Ask the Ancestors
    Oil and collage on panel, 2023. This painting began with a memory of a large, old, dead tree that lay in the field next to my childhood home. It was a magical place for me to play. I combined the poignancy of that memory with images of trees I took from a trip to the Grand Canyon as a young adult, and I collaged in images from vintage postcards and advertisements, along with a cut-up brochure from a more recent visit to Bandelier National Monument with a dear childhood friend. The tree feels important to me, to my formation and development. It was a place where my imagination first rooted, and it seems like a touchstone for magic in my life now.
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  • Low Country Connections
    Oil and collage on panel, 2022. I found a black and white photo from a trip to South Carolina from when I was in my 20's and did film photography, and that's the starting point of this work. I love the mood from the misty atmosphere and humidity, and the way the trees seem to be reaching for one another. The entire painting is painted on a collaged road map of the southeast.
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  • Pele's Cave-Plato's Cave
    Oil and collage on panel, 2022. This landscape is inspired by a visit to the Napali Coast in Kauai. Initially I was thinking about Pele as the goddess of volcanoes and fire. But as I worked on this, I ended up incorporating the reclined Classical female nude which is such a Western icon and stereotype of ideal beauty. I'm a child of Western culture, so I went with my instincts. I only realized much later that I'd used the pages from an old discarded copy of Plato's Republic to collage the walls of the cave. I'd studied Plato's Cave in high school, but this synchronicity was completely unplanned. I was absolutely delighted by it. This work became deeper than I expected, addressing my thoughts about feminine and masculine power but also the nature of reality and illusion.
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  • Cataloochee Divide, (Great Smoky Mountains)
    Oil on canvas, framed, 2024. This little painting is inspired by hiking in the Smoky Mountains. I love the moment that you can see past the dense and lush trees and foliage of the woods out across the mountains. It's a breathtaking and liminal experience for me, creating light portals in the forest. I was also playing with using an intensely colored under color - deep blue here. The color pops out in little spots here and there.
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  • Purchase Knob, (Great Smoky Mountains)
    Oil on canvas, framed, 2024. This little painting is inspired by hiking in the Smoky Mountains. I love the moment that you can see past the dense and lush trees and foliage of the woods out across the mountains. It's a breathtaking and liminal experience for me, creating light portals in the forest. I was also playing with using an intensely colored under color - bright blue here. The color pops out in little spots here and there.
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  • Radnor Lake Archway
    Oil on Canvas, 2023. This painting is inspired by my childhood in Nashville, TN. and memories of hiking around Radnor Lake. Radnor Lake was originally a man-made reservoir built to service steam engines. When that was no longer needed, it was declared a wildlife sanctuary and eventually established as a state park. I love this strange and surprising history of a natural space reverting from something industrial to an important natural resource. Again, I frame this view so that we are looking from inside the lush trees out across the lovely lake, creating an archway.
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  • Chapultepec Botanical Garden
    Large watercolor on paper. 2023
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  • Plans upon Plans, (Mexico City Canals and Milan)
    Ink and pencil on Vellum, 2024
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  • Underworld, 2024 (Mexico City Canals)
    Watercolor on paper
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  • Xochimilco Rising Sun, 2023
    Watercolor and gouache on paper prepped with gold watercolor ground.
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  • Xochimilco Before Sunrise, 2023
    Pastel on black paper.
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  • Smoky Mountain Canopy, 2022
    Oil on Canvas
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  • Double Gap Trail, 2022
    Oil on Panel, 12" x 12"
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  • Forest Cathedral, 2022
    Oil on Canvas
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  • Culvert
    Collage and acrylic on panel. 2024. An ode to my many days of exploring the closest thing I had to nature near my suburban home growing up- the culvert. It started abruptly where my subdivision began, and ended just as abruptly where it stopped. All sorts of detritus flowed down it. I spent thousands of hours walking the banks and examining the transitional places.
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  • Forest Bathing, SOLD
    acrylic and collage on canvas, 2021
  • Secret Pond, Acrylic on canvas, 2020
  • Forest Giant, SOLD
    Acryl Gouache on panel, 2020
  • Passage, SOLD
    Watercolor and collage on paper, 2021
  • Bleached, 2022
    Oil and collage on panel
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  • Yosemite, Burned, 2018, oil SOLD
  • New Growth, SOLD
    Acrylic on panel, 2020
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Liminal Space
These works explore liminal space in landscape reflecting my personal experience of re-enchantment in the natural world. Sometimes this appears in the how light and color play in the landscape creating tantalizing portals. Other times these works incorporate collaged elements that add suggestive and surreal narrative.
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